2019 – 2024 Mercedes and Freightliner Alarm Kit and Interface with Drone Smart Phone Control- 907INTKDRONE
Compatible with all 2019 – 2020 Mercedes or Freightliner Sprinter Vans (907)
- Kit includes all components needed to add full alarm with Compustar Drone smart phone control to any 2019 – 2020 Mercedes of Freightliner Sprinter (907) – CM900 alarm brain, siren, shock sensor, Compustar Drone, and Sprinter specific data interface
- Compatible with all Compustar accessories and RF remotes
- Seamless installation – all connections made in passenger kick area
Want it without smart phone control?
Note: Video shown with Compustar RF remote (not included)

Alarm Kit with OEM Fob Control for 2019 Mercedes / Freightliner Sprinter Van (907)
- Kit includes all components needed to add full alarm with Drone smart phone control to any 2019 - 2020 Mercedes of Freightliner Sprinter (907) - CM900 alarm brain, siren, shock sensor, Sprinter specific data interface, Compustar Drone*
- Operate alarm from factory key fob (arm, disarm, and panic)
- Compatible with all Compustar RF remotes and accessories (including EZ-GO, RPS Touch)*
- Out of the box, alarm kit monitors all doors (including back hatch), hood, and shock (other Compustar sensors such as glass and motion can be added)
- No need to hook up alarm light output- parking lights triggered over data
- Seamless installation- all connections made in passenger kick area (power, ground and ignition using OEM Mercedes plugs, CAN high and CAN low)
- Will not effect factory warranty
- Alarm brain includes lifetime warranty (interface warranty is 4 years, siren-1 year, shock sensor- 1 year)
- Interface provides all triggers over data eliminating the need to run wires throughout the vehicle
- View installation manual here
- Seamless solution that does not disrupt integrity of the vehicle, keeping all warranties intact
*Compustar Drone requires yearly subscription (first 30 days of service are free). View available plans here.
If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us at 312-421-1114 or sales@midcityengineering.com